Reading Goals for Summer 2024
Still on the fence about taking up the challenge? Take a look at what we have for you avid readers.
​KIDS 0-5
Registration: Reading log
Complete (30 Books): Choice from the Treasure Chest
​KIDS 6-12
Registration: Reading log
Complete (30 Days): Choice from the Treasure Chest
Registration: Reading log
Complete (30 Days): Portable charger
Registration: TCL Tumbler, pen, and reading log
Complete (30 Days): Free Book
Anyone who completes the challenge will also be entered into a grand prize drawing!
Summer 2024 @ Tulare County Library

Track Reading
Sign into your Beanstack account. In the upper left corner click on the name of the reader you are logging for.
Click Log Reading and Activities in the right-hand corner.
Fill out number of days (or 30 books for ages 0-5) and click log.
Go to or download the Beanstack Tracker App (iOS, Android) on your smartphone or tablet
Click “Register an Individual or Family”
Fill out the form
Complete and log activities
Already have an account? Simply click the "Sign In" button.
Or visit your local branch for a paper log
Final day to log or turn in log - July 20
Where do I log my reading?
You can log your reading on our beanstack website or on the Beanstack Tracker App (iOS, Android). We also offer paper logs.
What if my child doesn't read on their own yet?
You may read aloud to them.
Do audiobooks count?
Yes, all books count regardless of format or language.
Can I sign up after the Challenge has started?
Yes, but we recommend you sign up & participate early to give you more time to reach your goal.
Check out the Tulare County Library book lists. There you will find a great selection of suggested reads for all ages and reading levels.
Each branch library will be hosting programs, events, and performances all summer long!
Dates and times may differ by branch, so be sure to check out the Locations page to follow social media and contact your local branch for more information.
What is the Summer Reading Challenge?
Read, track, and win June 11-July 20, 2024 for all ages, all languages, and all reading levels. All reading in all languages counts. This includes eBooks, books, magazines, newspapers, audiobooks, and graphic novels.
June 11-July 20, 2024
Pre-registration begins June 4
Meal: Lunch
Dinuba Branch - Tuesdays to Fridays from 12 pm to 1 pm
(subject to reopening)
Lindsay Branch - Tuesdays to Fridays from 10:30 am to 11:30 am
Visalia Branch - Tuesdays to Fridays from 12 pm to 2 pm
Meal: Supper
Alpaugh Branch - Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3 pm to 5 pm
Earlimart Branch - Tuesdays to Fridays from 3 pm to 5 pm
Pixley Branch - Tuesdays to Fridays from 3 pm to 5 pm
Strathmore Branch - Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3 pm to 5 pm
Tipton Branch - Thursdays and Fridays from 3 pm to 5 pm
Summer Meals @ Tulare County
In partnership with Fresno EOC, eight Tulare County Library branches will be offering free meals this summer to children and teens, ages 1 to 18 and people with mental disabilities aged 18+ during the summer: Alpaugh, Dinuba, Earlimart, Lindsay, Pixley, Strathmore, Tipton, and Visalia.
For more information, look at our list of dates, times, locations, and types of meals being served.
The Library, Lindsay Unified School District, Dinuba Unified School District, and Fresno EOC are able to provide this service through a federal program funded by the USDA and administered by the California Department of Education.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. The Summer Food Service Program is a program of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, administered in California by the California Department of Education. Lunch at the Library is a project of the California State Library, supported with funds from the State of California.
Esta institución es un proveedor que brinda igualdad de oportunidades. El Programa de Servicios de Alimentos en el Verano es un programa del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos, administrado en California por el Departamento de Educación de California. El Almuerzo en la Biblioteca es un proyecto de la Biblioteca Estatal de California y respaldado con fondos del Estado de California.